The British Heart Foundation has backed Glasgow’s plans for a Low Emissions Zone which is due to begin at the end of next month.
The charity said it should help reduce pollution and improve health of people in the city.
Anna Richardson, Glasgow City Council convenor for carbon reduction met with the charity at their research centre to hear about the potential health benefits.
She said: “Air pollution is detrimental to our health and we know it disproportionately affects the more vulnerable members of our society. Delivering cleaner air is a priority for Glasgow and we’re forging towards that by introducing Scotland’s first LEZ by the end of the year.
“By only permitting access to vehicles that meet strict exhaust emission standards, Glasgow’s LEZ will help to reduce air pollution in our city centre, making it a healthier and more pleasant place to live, work and visit”.
Daniel Jones Policy Officer at BHF Scotland, said: “Low Emission Zones have been shown to reduce particulate emissions, and international evidence has demonstrated that they have the potential to tackle poor air quality in a specific and set location.
“BHF Scotland has long supported the introduction of LEZs in Scotland, with the aim of tackling air pollution across the country, and it is great to see that Glasgow is leading the way as the first Local Authority in Scotland to bring in a Low Emission Zone.